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Wednesday 21 May 2014

Air Gear Quotes

Air Gear Quotes

My plan was perfect but there was one thing I overlooked, one factor I failed to calculate, he’s a dumbass…and there’s no accounting for dumbass….ness. — Agito Wanijima

Look at the sky, it’s so far away. But right here, right now it seems so close. — Kazu

Riding means different things to different people. There’s all kinds of teams. I know there are teams who just like to fight. But they really aren’t the majority at all. Most people just… like to ride. I think AT’s is something you should relax and have fun with. All those silly battles, areas, emblems. That stuff doesn’t have anything to do with AT’s. Every time you jump. Every time you turn and twist in the air. You do it just a little bit better than before. Suddenly you look closer and close to how you imagined it. That’s what matters to me. Knowing that every time I ride I’m a little better than before. I think when you build up you’re strength, when you push yourself harder and harder. When you accomplish something with your own power. Well, that’s true freedom. — Ringo Noyamano

KOGARASUMARU !!! Kill them dead! — Itsuki Minami

No, no. I’ll have you know that out of all the people of Kogarasumaru no one understands the mysteries of a woman’s heart quiet like me. — Onigiri

Then I ask you, what do you define as the beginning of the sky? At one hundred meter or even one thousand meters, it isn't much different from right here. The sole difference is the air density and water concentration. So, this is where sky begins. Anything above the earth belongs to the domain of sky. — Yoshitsune

Those who wander into our forest will fall into an eternal slumber. — Ringo Noyamano

Hang in there, rooky. If you win I’ll give you a special reward. — Simca

I don’t know. I've never felt like this. It’s strange but ever since that fight… It’s like I've grown closer to the sky… like a wind is blowing inside me. It was small at first but it is growing stronger… [Picks up scissors and begins cutting her hair] I know more and more winds are shooting through me. Twirling inside me. Building up into storms and tearing me apart. Before these winds were nothing but a whisper. A little buzzing in my ears. When I sit and watch the sunset it would dance on the tip of my tongue like a quiet melody. But now, it’s grown into a roar and I can’t rest my wings any longer. That wind is commanding me to destroy my enemies and conquer the tower in the sky. — Simca

A frog in a well does not hope to swim in the ocean, or go to dive in deep sea. What they're looking at since they are born, isn't the ocean, but the sky. — Itsuki Minami

Fuck — Agito Wanijima

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